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Java EE Application Developer(Advanced)

Target Audience and Skill Level

Our Advanced Java EE Training course is designed for experienced Java developers who are looking to deepen their understanding of enterprise application development using the latest features of Java EE. This course is ideal for professionals who have a solid foundation in Java and are eager to enhance their skills in building scalable, secure, and high-performance enterprise applications. Prior experience with Java SE and basic knowledge of Java EE are recommended to fully benefit from this advanced training.

Affordable Training

We offer self-paced, mentored or
Instructor-led, remote or in-person courses
Allow our experts to guide you in mastering Java.

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Comprehensive Curriculum and Learning Objectives

The course offers an in-depth exploration of essential Java EE components such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Persistence API (JPA), Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), and JavaServer Faces (JSF). Participants will also learn about modern web technologies including JAX-RS for RESTful web services and WebSocket API for real-time communication. Advanced topics such as security, performance tuning, and microservices architecture are also covered to ensure students can handle complex enterprise-level applications. By the end of this course, students will be proficient in utilizing the latest Java EE features and best practices to develop robust enterprise solutions.

Flexible Learning Options and Affordability

We understand the diverse needs of our students, which is why we offer flexible learning options including self-paced study, mentor-led sessions, and instructor-led training. This ensures that you can learn at your own pace, with the level of support that suits you best. Additionally, our courses are designed to be affordable without compromising on quality, making advanced Java EE training accessible to a wide range of professionals. Our expert instructors and mentors are committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience, helping you achieve your career goals and excel in the competitive field of enterprise Java development. Join us to take advantage of our flexible, affordable training solutions and advance your skills in Java EE.


Java EE Application Developer Course Objectives

Introduction to Java EE

  • Overview of Java EE Platform
  • Java EE Architecture and Components
  • Setting up the Development Environment
  • Java EE Application Structure
  • Packaging and Deployment

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

  • Introduction to EJB
  • Session Beans (Stateless, Stateful)
  • Message-Driven Beans
  • EJB Lifecycle
  • Creating and Using EJBs
  • EJB Interceptors and Callbacks
  • Advanced EJB Concepts
  • Transactions and Security
  • EJB Timer Service

Java Persistence API (JPA)

  • Introduction to JPA
  • Entities, Relationships, and ORM
  • Entity Lifecycle
  • Querying with JPA
  • JPQL and Criteria API
  • Using Named Queries
  • Advanced JPA Features
  • Caching and Performance Tuning
  • Locking and Concurrency Control

Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)

  • CDI Basics
  • Managed Beans
  • Qualifiers and Alternatives
  • CDI Scopes and Contexts
  • Request, Session, Application Scopes
  • Advanced CDI
  • CDI Events
  • Interceptors and Decorators

JavaServer Faces (JSF)

  • Introduction to JSF
  • JSF Architecture and Lifecycle
  • Managed Beans in JSF
  • JSF UI Components
  • Standard and Custom Components
  • Facelets and Templates
  • Advanced JSF Features
  • Event Handling and Listeners
  • JSF Validation and Conversion

Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)

  • Introduction to JAX-RS
  • Creating RESTful Services
  • Annotations and Resource Classes
  • JAX-RS Client API
  • Consuming RESTful Web Services
  • Advanced JAX-RS Features
  • Filters and Interceptors
  • Asynchronous Processing

Java API for WebSocket

  • Introduction to WebSockets
  • Creating WebSocket Endpoints
  • WebSocket Lifecycle
  • Advanced WebSocket Features
  • Handling Binary and Text Messages
  • WebSocket Security

Security in Java EE

  • Java EE Security Overview
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Advanced Security Concepts
  • Secure Communication (SSL/TLS)
  • Custom Security Contexts

Microservices with Java EE

  • Introduction to Microservices
  • Microservices Architecture Principles
  • Implementing Microservices with Java EE
  • Integrating Microservices
  • Service Discovery and Registry
  • Communication Patterns (REST, Messaging)

Advanced Topics and Best Practices

  • Performance Tuning and Optimization
  • Monitoring and Profiling Java EE Applications
  • Caching Strategies
  • Best Practices for Enterprise Applications
  • Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns
  • Testing Java EE Applications

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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